Made in Portmeirion's factory in England, Stoke-on-Trent, each and every piece is made for modern day dining and is of the utmost quality
Country of Manufacture: United Kingdom
Material: Earthenware
Brand: Portmeirion
Dishwasher safe
Microwave safe
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product PART Blackberry Jumbo Cup ONLY & Mugs/Drinkware/Tableware/Spare Parts37085788596512471914Made in Portmeirion's factory in England, Stoke-on-Trent, each and every piece is made for modern day dining and is of the utmost quality <p>This is a Botanic Garden Jumbo Cup with the Blackberry floral motif, it DOES NOT come with a saucer.<br>
<br>This Blackberry Jumbo Cup is ideal if you need to replace a broken or lost cup from your set.</p>45add-to-cartpattern_pmguk:Pomonapattern_pmguk:PomonaPomonaSpare PartsNeutralNeutralPortmeirion0.50L751g<strong>FREE Standard Delivery on orders over £49*</strong>
<strong>£3.99 Standard Delivery on orders under £49*</strong>
Delivery in 2-3 working days
*Exclusions apply – Please see our <strong><a href="/customer-services/delivery-information">Delivery Information</a></strong> for full terms and conditions and full delivery information.
You can view our full <strong><a href="/customer-services/returns"> Returns Policy</a></strong> for full details on how to return any items to us.